How Good are the FLY Programs?
We regularly ask participants in all our FLY programs (Professional, Scholar and Junior Scholar) to evaluate the programs on various aspects. Here's what they say...
I will be personally more effective as a result of the FLY program.
96% of respondents Strongly Agreed or Agreed they would be personally more effective as a result of the FLY program.
How likely are you to put into practice any of the skills you learned in this program?
93% of respondents were Very Likely or Likely to put into practice the skills they learned in the FLY program.
How would you rate the FLY program overall?
98% of respondents found the FLY program Excellent or Very Good.
I would recommend the FLY program to others.
98% of respondents would Strongly Recommend or Recommend the FLY program to others.
How would you rate the FLY instructors overall?
95% of respondents found FLY instructors to be Excellent or Very Good.
To learn more about these FLY programs or to explore signing up, click on the appropriate program below, or fill out the Contact Us form.
For working professionals
For college-level students
For high-school-level students
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